On His Blindness - Important MCQs

“On His Blindness”

“On His Blindness” Introduction: “On His Blindness” is a sonnet by John Milton, written around 1655. It was published in Milton’s collection of poems, “Poems of Mr. John Milton, both in English and Latin,” published in 1673. The sonnet is also known by its first line, “When I consider how my light is spent.” The […]

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Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds - Most Important MCQs


SONNET – INTRODUCTION, TYPES, RHYME SCHEME & POETS’ Introduction: A sonnet is a form of poetry that originated in Italy during the 13th century. The word “sonnet” is derived from the Italian word “sonetto,” meaning “little song” or “little sound.” Giacomo da Lentini: Petrarch borrowed the sonnet form from the Sicilian poet Giacomo da Lentini, […]

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